September 28, 2015
Immigration brings New Students, and Languages to Akron
NPR recently highlighted a story out of Akron Public Schools, which is not uncommon to many districts throughout the state of Ohio, particularly Ohio’s urban districts.
Akron, and other urban districts across Ohio have been seeing more and more students who have immigrated with their families as a result of U.S. foreign policy decisions supporting refugees from around the world. As a result, the face of Akron’s student population is changing and Akron Public Schools has embraced this change.
The NPR broadcast, which can be accessed here, highlights the positive impact that this enrollment shift has cause for both the district, the students they serve, and the community.
Today, Akron Public Schools strives to keep up with the unique needs of English as a Second Language (ESL) students who are eager to learn and hungry for knowledge.
In addition to enriching classroom opportunities Akron Public Schools offers athletic opportunities for students. Today the soccer team at North High School, the most diverse high school in the state, is composed of 40 students, mostly refugees, speaking 5 languages. The team made it to the City Series Championship last year and hopes to do it again this school year.