December 2, 2015
Don’t Confuse Access with Excellence: Why Quality Matters in Pre-K Investments
Recent research from Vanderbilt University regarding an evaluation of Tennessee’s voluntary preschool programs has prompted commentary from both early childhood champions and critics across the nation. This unique national attention presents an opportunity to set the record straight regarding what the results of the Tennessee study really mean. In response to this commentary, Advocacy & Communication Solutions, LLC (ACS) developed a briefing document that will help cut through the jargon and misconceptions, and provided a set of talking points that can be used to elevate this important dialogue among a broader audience.
We encourage you to review and share the response with your partners, internal audiences, colleagues, friends, policymakers, philanthropic leaders, and social networks in an effort to ensure that the crucial facts regarding high quality preschool are more broadly understood.
Download a pdf of the response and the talking points, both of which are also available on the ACS website under Special Reports.