December 2, 2014
Advancing Success for Boys and Men of Color
Seven academic centers at major universities have produced a Collective Policy Statement that includes recommendations to advance the success of men and boys of color in all levels of education, from Pre-K to post-graduate. These recommendations are of particular interest to ACS because of our work with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Forward Promise Initiative grantees. The Statement, Advancing the Success of Boys and Men of Color in Education: Recommendations for Policymakers, offers six policy recommendations specific to the preK-12 arena, four policy recommendations for the postsecondary environment, and five recommendations for the overall pre-K to doctoral education pipeline as a whole. Recommendations range from on-the-ground practice (such as increasing the presence of men of color among teachers, principals and counselors) to data collection (such as tracking and scorecards for schools with high suspension or special education placement rates, or creating a national dataset to track males of color from pre-K to postsecondary). Download the full report for free here.